Monday, April 2, 2012

Halfway Through

As of this weekend, my clinical is halfway through, and I'm sad and excited.  Excited because Laura is coming to visit this weekend and then only 2 more weeks till we are no longer separated long-term, and sad as my clinical will soon be over. So far, things continue to go very well.  I am training A LOT and am being pushed outside of my comfort zone daily, both in my clinical and knowledge skills related to physical therapy as well as in my physical fitness and skills as a runner and triathlete.  I can confidently say I am more in tune with my form, my movement and my intentions with training now more than ever...which is a good thing.

When not in the clinic I've been trying to stay ahead of the sleep game (increased training zaps my energy) and the reading game. Chris (my clinical instructor) has kept me very busy reading books, articles, publications, and the like, allowing me and helping me to build a robust library from which to draw on once I am in the clinic.  Ultimately though, "people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care," a lesson I am ahead of the game on coming from the Midwest. 

A little over a week ago I received a package with sour-patch kids (a favorite candy) and a few other items.  However, what particularly stood out was the envelope - see below. Did I mention that Laura is coming to NYC this weekend?  Yeah, I'm excited!  (For those who have lived in NYC or have visited, please feel free to let us know what we need to see and/or experience while she is here.  I have limited my exploring to my neighborhood or Brooklyn in order to experience the city together)

As another week starts I look forward to continued new experiences and challenges.  As well, no matter how long I am in the city I cannot seem to get used to the styles and varieties of people - to say New York/Manhattan/Brooklyn is a melting pot is an understatement.  And even though all the variety leaves me a little awestruck, I find I still prefer the smaller town environment found in the Midwest.  Until next time...

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