Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Beginning of the End

Its hard to believe, but my time in New York has come to a conclusion, and with it I am finally able to be around Laura and family.  To say I am excited is a bit of an understatement...after 6 weeks apart (with the exception of small reprieve over Easter) I am more than ready to be back with Laura and in the "groove" of things together.  However, it is also sad to be completed with my last affiliation - Chris Johnson PT was far and away a defining experience for me and my career as a physical therapist.  I am quite grateful to him for his kindness in working with me and allowing me to further develop my skills in helping endurance athletes return to training and racing.

The short reprieve over Easter was due to a quick trip by Laura to the city.  She arrived on Thursday and was able to stay for several days, allowing us to explore the city and be "tourists" for a few days.  Aside from LOTS of walking we were able to enjoy a glass of wine and phenomenal Italian, attend Easter services at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan, stroll through Prospect Park in Brooklyn and Central Park in Manhattan, attend the 9/11 Memorial, and site-see several other NYC venues. (See pics below...)

Now that my affiliation has concluded I am looking forward to enjoying a few days of R&R in Michigan with the Duerr's prior to returning to Omaha.  Upon our return to Nebraska the days will be flying by - I have 2 weeks of classes in order to finish up my program, at the end of which I will graduate (May 12).  It is amazing to see the culmination of all of the work that Laura and I have put in over the last several years.  I am still finding it hard to fully grasp that I soon will be concluded with my time at Creighton, but I am also extremely excited to be looking ahead to a future outside of school and clinical affiliations.

Both Laura and I have heard from many of our friends regarding how they have appreciated keeping up with everything through following our blog - we have enjoyed sharing our experiences and pictures, and we will continue to work to post news and updates over the next days and weeks.  We pray this update finds you well and enjoying the beginnings of spring.  A blessed Easter to you!  He is risen, indeed.  Alleluia!!

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