Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 12: Experiencing the "Nutty"

It is amazing how quickly you start to learn the streets and general layout of an area/city when you are daily running and biking through the streets, dodging taxis, switching subway trains, and walking most everywhere.  This is not to say that I have Manhattan or Brooklyn even close to figured out; however, I am having to rely on my GPS and iPhone far less.  As well, the city, though still incredibly overwhelming and daunting at times, is enjoyable when you can see past the fog of confusion which initially surrounded me.

Beyond merely getting from A to B there is a lot of other aspects to the city, mainly that you see/hear/experience every type of style, design, language, personality, opinion, etc.  Eclectic melting pot is putting it mildly.  As I stated before, coming from the midwest puts a totally different spin on this experience, and one that I can say I'm proud nickname with some of the people I have met is simply "Nebraska" due to my red "N" hat.  I don't mind it... :)

The clinic continues to be a highlight of my time here.  Chris Johnson is my clinical instructor and challenges me daily with a barrage of questions and reading assignments, for which I am quite thankful.  Over the years he has trained with some of the leaders in orthopedic and sports medicine, and when I approached him over a year ago to see if he would work with me he graciously said yes, allowing me to experience and grow through a rigorous affiliation.  In addition, he is an amateur elite triathlete and coach, working with and training some of New York's top triathletes (and yes, I'm getting my butt kicked by him).

As mentioned above, besides learning in the clinic, I'm working out with Chris on a daily basis.  Highlights of the week include multiple two-a-day workouts of biking/running/swimming and an initiation ride across the GW (George Washington) bridge to NJ, through a part of Ironman New York's course and out to Nyack, NY (total mileage that day ~75 miles = 4+ hrs. in the saddle) before heading home. I am learning Chris walks, runs or rides as much as he can, allowing him to maintain a high level of fitness without having to devote extra time out of his day to training.  As well, aside from the clinic and training Chris has been showing me a few different views of New York and Brooklyn.  The pictures below are from the top of the Brooklyner, the tallest point in Brooklyn, looking northwest towards Manhattan.

Stay tuned for more updates, as well as for several posts I've been working on, both personally and with Chris, for his website.  As well, spring has arrived in NYC, with blossoms budding and allergies afflicting...wishing you a happy beginning to your spring adventures!

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