Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 4: Seattle of course...among other things

We're a little late in getting our "week 4" update written and posted.  Life has surprisingly gotten a little bit hectic.  Laura and I are quickly realizing that our time in Washington is moving by quickly...and important life-decisions loom in the not-so-distant future.  To say we are a little "on edge" is an understatement.  Praying for wisdom, peace, and patience is harder than it sounds, especially for me.  I want to know now, and I want to know "yes" or "no."  Still need some work on the "patience" aspect.

Luckily, Laura and I are surrounded with wonderful people who remind us to breath and relax, understanding that sometimes there are not "yes" or "no" answers, but rather, support and blessings for whatever our decisions may be.  We continue to meet new friends at the church we attend in Bellingham, and I am beginning to form a closer friendship with one of the therapists I work with at LFPT.  To that end, we are consistently reminded of the blessings for which we are to be thankful.  

In order to take a break from the serious "life-stuff" we headed to Seattle for the weekend.  The weather forecast was for 48 deg and partly cloudy skies - if you've ever been in the northwest you know not to trust the weather man. The forecast changed to low-40's and rain/drizzle.  Nevertheless, Laura and I thoroughly enjoyed walking through Pike's Place public market, past the piers, through some of the Seattle underground, past the sculptures at the Olympic Sculpture Park and ending the day with fresh seafood from Ivar's Salmon House and B&O Espresso, a local desert/coffee shop (thanks to Rachel & Bob Lail for the suggestion).  All-in-all a good break from the clinic and Lynden.  Pictures are below

Lastly, Laura and I are realizing how much a part of our lives Riesling had become prior to our move.  (FYI - Riesling is our little cat which we have had since getting married)  Though we both agree we do not miss the pet hair or his random "freak out" sessions where he runs aimlessly through the apartment we do find ourselves missing his constant attention and snuggling.  That darn little bugger has turned me soft...and for a cat nonetheless!  Fortunately, for him and for us, he has a warm home, caring people to love him and with whom he can snuggle, and lots of time to sleep.

Life is an just so happens we are taking a side trip to the amusement park/roller coaster for the next few weeks.  Hopefully this experience is akin to Laura's memories of Cedar Point's "The Raptor" and not mine of "Pharaoh's Furry" at the South Dakota State Fair.

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